I am in a moment that I want to change my health. I know that by simply changing my health, a lot of my life that I want will come naturally. It's not weight loss that I want, but it's the life I've lost because of my weight. I need to move forward and walk the walk. I have a ton of knowledge about health, yet I have bad follow through. This blog will make a difference because hopefully I can make a difference in your life. .

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Choose fruit for your snack and bear in mind that you can’t eat too much fruit. Don’t believe the old notions about it having too much fructose. Fruit also has fiber which evens out the fructose. No need to stop at 1 banana. If you need it, have two!
Notice that it's 2 Tbsp for ALL the apple
Yummy Apples
  • 1-2 cut up apples
  • 2 Tbsp natural peanut butter
(Peanut butter is OK in small amounts, but get the natural kind with no sugar or hydrogenated oils. The ingredients should say: “Peanuts, salt")

The best thing about the peanut butter! As you get the sugar out of your system... it tastes even better. We are so used to artificial stuff that we don't realize there is so much flavor when we don't cover it up with additives! 

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