I am in a moment that I want to change my health. I know that by simply changing my health, a lot of my life that I want will come naturally. It's not weight loss that I want, but it's the life I've lost because of my weight. I need to move forward and walk the walk. I have a ton of knowledge about health, yet I have bad follow through. This blog will make a difference because hopefully I can make a difference in your life. .

Monday, April 26, 2010

A bit of Salsa in the morning!

Well I'll tell you one thing... even though I stayed up till 2 AM packing to move, which made me ridiculously tired today. I accidentally slept in too late today and got off to a really late start. One great thing though! I found some great salsa that my dad made! He is a pro at salsa making and it's my favorite food ever! Chips and Salsa makes summer!

The most important thing about this blog that I want to convey is what different foods do to our body. I want to realize what foods make my day better or those ones that bring on the 2 PM plea for an afternoon nap. Even though I'm exhausted and want to go right to bed when I get home, I am quite alert and feel really good!

It's a great blend of Onions, Avocados, tomatos, salt, pepper and the best of all ingredients!!! Cilantro! It's light, strong in flavor, and since the avocados are a lot of protein I still feel full and it's been a couple hours.

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