I am in a moment that I want to change my health. I know that by simply changing my health, a lot of my life that I want will come naturally. It's not weight loss that I want, but it's the life I've lost because of my weight. I need to move forward and walk the walk. I have a ton of knowledge about health, yet I have bad follow through. This blog will make a difference because hopefully I can make a difference in your life. .

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Coconut Banana Smoothie

While we were at Whole Foods finding the quinoa, I decided to try something different and got this coconut milk. We really didn't like it as a milk substitute, but I thought it might be good mixed up with some pinapple and banana in a smoothie! I made that the other day, and we all really liked it. Today I made it again, but without the ice, and poured it into these popsicle molds. It kind of reminds me of a banana cream sicle, but it doesn't have any sugar! Score! We'll see how the popsicles actually turn out. Funny that I made popsicles today when it was snowing all day.

I keep finding these great recipes by Colleen! She is so motivating when it comes to health, no sugar, exercise and being a mom of 3!

Check out her Blog at Faster Than Pete Marathon Mom!

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